A leading company in energy convergence.

Business Areas

Energy Storage System

ESS is a device that charges and stores power irregularly generated from renewable energy sources, and then uses electricity when needed.
Power is stored during off-peak hours and can be used during off-peak hours.

ESS heating and cooling equipment

Cendori ESS cooling/heating equipment (Class 1) is a storage-type power demand management facility recognized by KEPCO through testing and certification by accredited institutions. (Electricity fee support)

- It contributes to stabilization of electricity demand by charging electricity to the battery during the late night hours and supplying electricity during the power peak daytime hours.

ESS solar power plant

Cendori ESS solar power facility (for power generation) is a new and renewable energy supplementary facility that connects certified ESS to photovoltaic power generation and supplies power (managed by the Korea Power Exchange) during non-generated solar power periods.

- Electricity sales recognized as 5 times the amount of electricity supplied.

- ESS (switchboard, battery, PCS) that can be installed under the photovoltaic module.

- It is a module product that integrates battery performance maintenance, temperature control, and air conditioning system, so it is easy to maintain and expand capacity.

Main suppliers: Buildings subject to electricity demand management, public institutions, large buildings, solar power generation companies, etc.